Iowa Section Amateur Radio Events
Winter Field Day - Jan 24-25, 2025
Winter Field Day runs for 24 hours during the last full weekend in January each year from 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Saturday to 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Sunday. For 2025 the dates are January 24th and 25th
Step 1 Visit the Winter Field Day Website
Step 2 Read the WFD Rules
Step 3 Operate Jan 24th and 25th
Step 4 Log your contacts and submit your log before Mar 1
Step 5 Fill out and print your WFD certificate!
Try this overview of QSO logging:
Ask Dave 18: Amateur Station Logging
Try this logging software training video:
NWS Weather Spotter Training - Feb, Mar, Apr, 2024
National Weather Service (NWS) severe weather training for Amateur Radio is through the SKYWARN® Weather Spotter Program
Complete the 2 Online National Skywarn Training Modules: Role of the SKYWARN® Spotter and SKYWARN® Spotter Convective Basics
Review the Basic Spotter Training modules.
They are available on YouTube Spotter Training playlist.Participate in an online Weather Spotter Training webinar. Find a class near you at Iowa NWS Contacts. This training may be required every other year for NWS registered Weather Spotters.
Participate in an Amateur Radio Severe Weather/Storm Spotter net. Most ARES nets, and many other local nets in Iowa, will take severe weather reports for passing along to public safety, emergency management, and the NWS, By participating in severe weather reporting with other trained Spotters this gives you additional training and other methods for contacting the NWS.
To find an Amateur Radio net near you, read the IA_STM Net&Traffic Report or contact the Iowa Section Traffic Manager at
IARU World Amateur Radio Day - Apr 18, 2024
Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on this day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris.
Just two years later, at the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Amateur Radio gained the allocations still recognized today — 160, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. Since its founding, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the frequency allocations for Amateur Radio.
World Amateur Radio Day is the day when IARU Member-Societies can show our capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other Amateurs worldwide.
Find the list of Special Event Stations to work around the world at IARU World Amateur Radio Day, or create your own Special Event Station. QSL pls
Get on the air and enjoy!
ARRL Field Day - June 22-23, 2024
ARRL Field Day
Watch the Get Ready for Field Day video
Read the Field Day Rules
Find a Field Day Site Near You or Contact the Amateur Radio Club Near You.
Join in, help with set up, operate, and log your contacts. Have fun!
Submit your logs/score to your Field Day organizer or to ARRL.
Entries must be postmarked or submitted via web app at by Tuesday, July 25, 2024.Rest up for next year.
RAGBRAI LI - July 21-27, 2024
RAGBRAI, The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, is an annual seven-day bicycle ride across the state. Heading into its 51st year, RAGBRAI is the oldest, largest and longest recreational bicycle touring event in the world.
Watch the IA Section News and Notes for information on Amateur Radio participation in RAGBRAI 2024
For route and other info go to RAGBRAI LI
Iowa QSO Party - 1400Z Sep 21- 0200Z Sep 22, 2024
The Iowa QSO Party is sponsored by the Story County Amateur Radio club.
Here are the links to Midwest Division (IA, KS, MO, NE) QSO Parties.
April 6-7, 2024 - Missouri
April 20-21, 2024 - Nebraska
Aug 24-25, 2022 - Kansas
Sep 21-22, 2024 - Iowa
QSO Party Frequently Asked Questions From
FAQs – State QSO Parties
What are state QSO parties?
A State QSO Party is a contest where you try to work as many stations as possible in a specific state or group of states. Because multipliers are usually counties of that state, you also try to work as many counties as you can. Many in-state stations operate mobile, driving around the state to activate as many counties as possible. Typically, State QSO Parties are a little more laid back in intensity so they can be a fun activity for newer contesters. Many SQP sponsors give plaques or other awards for leaders in the different categories. Some offer awards for spelling out different words with callsigns worked.
Anyone striving for the United States of America Counties Award (USWAC) or Worked All States (WAS)maward will benefit from working state QSO parties.
For a complete list of State QSO Parties, click here. To assist you, here’s a handy map resource: US Census State-Based County Outline Maps. And remember to read the contest rules carefully. They vary by state.
Does every state have a QSO party?
No. Some states are too small to have their own QSO party. They band together to form area QSO parties such as the 7th Call Area QSO Party and the New England QSO Party.
How do I know when the state QSO party for my state occurs?
There are several contest calendars available. A popular one is the WA7BNM Contest Calendar This website has a tab at the top for State QSO Parties.
How do I participate in a state QSO party?
Before participating in any contest, including state QSO parties, it is advised to read their rules because every contest has individual variations. The rules can usually be found by Googling for the state QSO party that you are interested in. There will be a link to the state QSO party’s rules on the WA7BNM Contest Calendar.
You can either employ the “Search & Pounce” (S&P) or the “Running” methodology. With S&P, you tune through the band looking for stations calling “CQ <state> QSO Party.” To call them, transmit your call, using phonetics, one time. If they don’t come back to you right away, call one time again. When they do respond, they will say “59 <county>”. They may give the full name of the county or an abbreviation which can usually be found on their website. Your exchange will usually be “59 <your-state.” You do not need to give your county if you are out-of-state. If you are in-state, say “59 <your-county>.” If you are using a mode other than SSB, give the RST as “599.” Always give an RS(T) of either 59 or 599 in a contest.
For some states, the out-of-state exchange is RS(T) and a serial number starting at 001 and incrementing by one for each new contact. The other station will then say thank you (TU) and/or call CQ again.
How do I call CQ in my in-state QSO Party?
If you want to use the Running methodology, you must find an unoccupied frequency and call “CQ <state> QSO Party. This is <your-call>” Always give your call phonetically. When someone answers you, say “<their-call> 59 <your-county>.” When you give your county, it is often helpful if you give it both as the full name and as the abbreviation (using phonetics). After they give their exchange, you should say “Thank you. This is <your-call> QRZ.” Please do not just say QRZ without your call because someone using S&P may have just come upon you and doesn’t know your call.
How do I call CQ in a state QSO party if I am out-of-state?
If you are out-of-state, simply call “CQ <state>. This is <your-call>, <your-call>.” Always give your call phonetically, at least twice when calling CQ. Calling “CQ <state> QSO Party” would indicate that you are in-state., so always call “CQ <state>” without saying “QSO Party”. You might further elaborate by saying something like, “This is <your-call> calling CQ anyone in the state of <state>.” The point is to make it clear that you are not an in-state station.
How do I log my contacts?
There a quite a few contest loggers for your computer. Some of the most popular are N1MM+, N3FJP’s contest loggers, WriteLog, Win-Test, DXLog, GenLog, and more. See and You can also use paper logs, although some contests are now requiring electronic logs.
How do I submit my log?
When the state QSO party is over you should submit your log as directed in the SQP’s rules. Usually you can submit a Cabrillo log electronically. Most contest logging software will export a Cabrillo log for you to submit. There are websites that will convert data keyed in from your paper log to a Cabrillo log.
I only have a few contacts. Why should I submit a log?
Contest sponsors appreciate your log even if it is small. They compare all contacts reported with all logs received to determine if the contact reported is valid. Your log will serve as verification for all the contacts that you made. Without your log, the contact may be disallowed in the other logs. It also gives them an idea of the total number of hams participating.
What is the State QSO Party Challenge?
The annual State QSO Party Challenge recognizes all radio amateurs’ participation in the U.S. State and Canadian Province QSO parties. It is open to any radio amateur who participates in any of the approved State QSO Parties (SQPs). Participants are recognized for reaching five levels of achievement – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. See for complete information.
How do I enter the State QSO Party Challenge?
Participants must simply submit their scores to to be included in the Challenge.
How do I find the results of the State QSO Party Challenge?
The results of the State QSO Party Challenge are posted monthly on the State QSO Party website and announced on the reflector. You can also find the current up-to-date results on There is a link to the results on the Home page
How are the scores calculated for the State QSO Challenge?
The participant’s Score is based on the total number of QSOs made in each State QSO Party as reported on multiplied by the number of State QSO Parties entered in the current year. Total Points = (Sum of Individual State QSO Party QSOs) * (Number of State QSO Party Entries)
What if I am participating in a multi op station?
Each operator receives the station’s total contacts divided by the number of operators. The report to should include all operators’ calls and the station call. For example, four operators at a multi-op station that makes 2,000 contacts: 2000 / 4 = 500 Qs each, which would be multiplied by each individual’s total number of SQP entries
I had 400,000 points in the XXX QSO Party. Why aren’t I included on your list?
You have to participate in more than one SQP to qualify for an award level. One objective of the program is to encourage you to participate in many SQPs.
I made a contact in the XXX QSO Party but didn’t get credit for the entry.
You need at least two contacts in an SQP to get credit for it. The program rewards you for participation, not for just touching base.
I reached the Platinum level last year, but now I am only at Bronze. Don’t I get credit for all the SQPs I entered last year?
No. The program renews annually. On January 1, everyone returns to zero for another challenging year.
North American QSO Parties to Recognize Young Contester Entries
Iowa ARES State Meeting - Sep 28, 2024
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) - Oct 19-20, 2024
IA Simulated Emergency Test - Oct 5 2024
ARRL Iowa Section SET 2024 October 5
Cyber Attack II! “This is a drill”
Information and calendar at: website:
Registration, discussion, calendar, files, meeting, event, and update notifications at:
JHoepfner AE5EI IA_STM
Join in on SKYWARN Recognition Day - offering heartfelt thanks to our nation's storm spotters and weather enthusiasts for their invaluable service!
Mark your calendars for an exciting day of appreciation and recognition! On December 2, we honor the dedicated individuals who help keep us safe from unpredictable weather on SKYWARN™ Recognition Day. This day, established in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), pays tribute to the thousands of SKYWARN™ weather spotters who volunteer their time and expertise to report severe weather to the National Weather Service. Their valuable contributions help save lives and property. So let's cheer, applaud, and join in welcoming a day of thunderous appreciation for these unsung heroes!
December 7, 2024 from 0000z to 2400z
Always the first Saturday in December
(6 PM Friday to 6 PM Saturday CST)
SKYWARN™ Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service (NWS) and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN™ volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property. Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the SKYWARN™ volunteers across the country. Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative.
SKYWARN™ Registration Form for SRD number
SKYWARN™ Participation Certificate
List of Participating NWS offices & Log Sheet
Follow NWS on Twitter #Skywarn24 and Facebook
Follow ARRLIowa on Twitter #IASkywarn24 and Facebook
SKYWARN Recognition Day Operating Instructions
1. Object SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) serves to celebrate the contributions to public safety made by amateur radio operators Skywarn Spotters during threatening weather.
Amateur stations to exchange QSO information with as many National Weather Service Stations as possible on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meter bands plus the 70 centimeter band. Contacts via repeaters are permitted.
Non-Amateur Radio Spotters to exchange weather information as often as possible via Social Media with NWS Offices.
2. Date NWS stations may operate at any time during December 7, 2024 from 0000 - 2400 UTC (Fri 6 pm- Sat 6 pm CST).
3. Exchange: Call sign, signal report, QTH, and a one or two word description of the weather occurring at your site ("sunny", "partly cloudy", "windy", etc.).
4. Modes: NWS stations will work various modes including SSB, FM, AM, RTTY, CW, and PSK31. While working digital modes, special event stations will append "NWS" to their call sign (e.g., N0A/NWS). NWS offices may also participate via Social Media platforms throughout the 24 hour period.
5.Station Control Operator: It is suggested that during SRD operations a non-NWS volunteer should serve as a control operator for your station.
6. Event and QSL Information: The National Weather Service will provide event information via the internet. Event certificates will once again be electronic and printable from the main website after the conclusion of SRD.
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